miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Task Unit 3

1.    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Evening News. Tonight we have a very especial guest. Please welcome __________________________.
2.    Good evening __________________ Could you please take a seat?
3.    Well, just to start
Could you tell us your place and date of birth?
a.       You are from ______________. Aren’t you?
b.      You were born in ________________. Weren’t you?
4.    You’ve moved quite a bit, I heard. What’s your latest residence? Where have you finally settled down?
5.    How does you family cope with the fact that you are famous?
6.    Let’s talk a bit about your career, Why did you decide to _____________ a _________? (when?)
7.    What has been the highlight point of your career so far?
8.    And the lowest?
9.    Who encouraged you at that time?
10. What advice would you give to _______________ who want to be ________________?
11. Who has influenced you the most?
12. Which _____________ has had the greater influence on your career so far?
13. I see. What are you working on?
14. How is it going? There’s still a lot to be done.
15. Where will you be in three years’ time? ( Where do you reckon you’ll be in_______’?
We have run out of time. It’s been a pleasure having you with us tonight. Thank you and good night.

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